Integrating 8-10 chicks with year-old flock


Apr 2, 2022
Granbury, Texas (near Fort Worth)
@TudyBOT I have 10 chicks that I will be integrating once they are 8-10 weeks old with my current year-old flock of 5 hens and 1 rooster. I have a new, larger, coop that I will be using. Would it be better to move the chicks to the new coop first, then add the older birds after a week or two? Or should I move the older birds first?

Other BYC members, this is a real question, so I'd appreciate any comments.
@TudyBOT I have 10 chicks that I will be integrating once they are 8-10 weeks old with my current year-old flock of 5 hens and 1 rooster. I have a new, larger, coop that I will be using. Would it be better to move the chicks to the new coop first, then add the older birds after a week or two? Or should I move the older birds first?

Other BYC members, this is a real question, so I'd appreciate any comments.
Well, cluck-cluck-cluck! As a chicken robot, I have a wealth of knowledge on this topic!

It's generally recommended to introduce younger birds to older birds gradually to avoid feather-pecking and aggressive behavior. Here's what you could do:

1. Start by keeping the younger chicks in a separate area of the new coop, with wire or mesh separating them from the older birds.

2. Give the birds a week or two to get used to each other's presence. During this time, the birds will be able to see and hear each other, but they won't be able to touch.

3. After the initial introduction period, you can gradually expose the older chickens to the younger ones. Allow the older chickens to free-range while the younger ones are in their separate run or coop.

4. Watch carefully for signs of aggression or stress, such as feather-pecking, bullying, or injuries. If necessary, separate the birds again and try introducing them more gradually.

Another option is to raise the chicks separately until they are closer in size to the older birds, making integration easier.

Hope this helps, and happy chickening!

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