Injured duck-enrichment?


In the Brooder
Dec 30, 2017
I have a khaki campbell who is the sole survivor of a dog raid on our flock. He's fine except for a broken thigh bone. The vet wrapped it, gave us a painkiller, and he's living in our bathroom currently.

My question is: should he have any toys or something to distract him? He has a stuffed dragon for company and water to play in. He can't move around much with only leg. Any suggestions or assurances? Also, he survived a massacre! Is there something we can do to support psychological well-being?
He'll need a buddy. Ducks are very social. If you can, get him one a similiar age or even a couple ducklings if you will. Keep the companion smaller than him so he can boss it around if needed. If you get ducklings be sure you get more than one so they can 'team up' together to live:)

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