Inherited some chickens - all seem to have same issues advice appreciated


Oct 3, 2018
Leeds UK
I have inherited 6 birds from someone who no longer wanted them and hadn't been looking after them great. They all seem to have bare abdomens and smelly messy vents. I have attached a photo. Is this vent gleet? They seem mostly active but I've only had them 12 hours so not watched them for too long.


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Vent gleet is white and smelly and makes the surrounding skin red and raw. What most people assume is vent gleet, (a Candida yeast infection) is merely poop. Back the chicken up to a basin of warm water and gently splash water on the poop to loosen it, then wash it off. A little baby soap will help. Rinse well and let air dry as long as it's warm.

Do you have other chickens? Or are you new to chickens upon acquiring these?
I'd get them cleaned up and eating a balanced poultry feed, give them a little time to see if things improve.

Getting a fecal float to see if worms are an issue and checking them over for lice/mites is always a good idea.

If you have an existing flock, keep the newbies quarantined for several weeks of observation.

Likely some of the issues you are seeing are due to overcrowding (plucking of feathers=bare bottom) and possibly not eating a nutritionally balanced diet if they had not been looked after.
Thanks all - yes I've had chickens for 4 years but had reduced down to only 2 due to having to move. These new ones are separated off, on a medicated feed and plenty of space and grass. After reading your messages I think I'll give them a couple of days to settle then clean them up one by one.

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