Ingredient in Niacin OK?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 6, 2010
Western WA
I picked up some Niacin today and the only thing that Target has Inositol Hexanicotinate in it. Is this even the right stuff??

The ingredients listed are:
Niacin 400mg (as inositol hexanicotinate)
Inositol 100mg (as inositol hexanicotinate)

Does anyone know if this is OK for the ducks?? I did a very quick search on it, and funny... couldn't find any mention of its use with ducks. Go figure.

Thanks in advance!
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I'm not sure if ducks can absorb it. It is a modification of the niacin made to reduce cholesterol in people. They now found out that it does not work in humans as a reducing agent for cholesterol, and they have not found an improvement in those taking it for the B3. I'm n the air with this one for sure. You can try, but I'm not sure if it works at all. Last time I went to walmart they had 4 or 5 different ones.
I've noticed that ingredient in most niacin now too, which annoys me. It's designed to reduce the "flush" reaction most humans have to large doses of niacin (a very uncomfortable, hot, itchy red rash over the entire body that persists for 20 minutes or more but does not cause lasting harm). One school of thought is that the "flush" reaction is actually necessary for reducing cholesterol--that it's the action of the flush that, well, flushes the cholesterol out, and that's why the "flush-free" versions don't work.

Regardless, I have been concerned about adding it to my ducks' feed, and have as a result avoided it. The major pharmacies seem to still carry at least one brand that does not contain the extra ingredient. But I've just switched over to mixing game bird feed 50-50 with the chick starter instead of mixing the supplement into the water. I think it's easier, and less worry.

Good luck. Sorry I'm not much more help.
Hmmm... I'm thinking I'm going to take it back and find some just plain Niacin. I appreciate the feedback! I agree - I wish they wouldn't mess with it.

I am curious as to the Niacin content of earth worms. I think the little one ate 100 of them today while she was helping me weed. Poor worms.
It's not in the worms. It's in leafy greens or peas, which they should get later in their diet especially in winter. It's hard to control how my they get from it, so it is best to supplement it when they are really young.
Drats! Oh, well. I'm sure there were lots of other yummy things in them for her. She sure liked 'em! It was so funny yo watch... some of them were pretty big and they wrapped around her bill while she was trying to gobble them up, which of course made it hard to gobble. Silly little duck.
If that happened around here, Lady Duck would have tried to get it from him. I've seen the two big ducks run around the yard with big slugs and worms hanging out trying to keep it from the other one.

I love having ducks. They're so much fun.

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