Infected, blackened toe


Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Feb 12, 2015
North Florida

A week ago I found my brahma rooster with his toenail ripped off. Cleaned it and bandaged it, but it got infected anyway.
I removed as much of the dead tissue as I could. I've been soaking it 3X a day in strong colloidal silver, and providing all other appropriate supportive care. I FINALLY talked (begged) my vet into an antibiotic. Oral Baytril, I don't even know if the dose is correct (100 mg/ml, .25 mg once daily,started Friday, 10 days worth). I do not have access to an avian vet, and none of the regulars around here will see a chicken. My question is, with it looking like this, should I be doing anything else? Will the black part eventually fall off on it's own? He is standing a little again, still not walking on it. My concern is that once the antibiotics are finished, it will start back again. He has continued eating and drinking fine, just won't walk on it, and sleeping quite a bit. The antibiotic seems to have helped some thus far.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I would probably apply some betadine to the toe, and let it dry up. The darkened area will fall off eventually just the way it happens with frostbite or a crush injury. Toes are pretty sensitive, so there will still be some limping. It may be best to keep him in a crate with puppy pads or clean pin e savings for a week or so to keep his foot clean and dry. If you do a search at the top of this page for baytril or enrofloxacin dosage, you should be able to double check your dosage.
Thank you for the input, I truly appreciate it. I am very rural, not many resources, no nearby 'chicken people'.
And the little feedback locally is to cull him.
He's been in a crate since I found him hurt. He's pretty wobbly, so I keep him on a thick layer of bath towels, changed often.
Shavings seem to panic him, he's too unstable. I've used Betadine, saline soaks, and the silver. Will continue with all until he's better, or not with me anymore.
I'm still unsure of the dosing for the Baytril and am wondering if anyone has ever had a chicken react badly to it?
He gets his dose about 11 AM and by evening seems really down. Last night I wasn't sure he was going to make it through the night.
This morning he's standing again, though somewhat wobbly. I have found correct dosing for Amoxicillin, which I mail ordered, but not sure when it will arrive since it's already shipped. I can probably make a long trip (almost 200 miles round trip) and find a aquarium store if anyone thinks it's worth switching to the fish mox. Bad idea? He seems to go up and down. I think he's improving, and then he goes downhill again.
I will euthanize him, if it comes to that, but obviously I'd much rather save him if possible.
Here below is a post I found from Casportpony who is very familiar with the use of Baytril. Does the Baytril appear to be helping? I find that antibiotics tend to make even people very tired or exhausted, especially the once a day ones. I would treat him for possible leg mites in the future with some castor oil rubbed under his leg scales once a week, since they look a little raised. Chicken lose toes all the time from frostbite, so I would think he shouldn't need to be culled unless he develops some sort of systemic infection. I wouldn't switch to amoxicillin, but finish the 5 day treatment of Baytril.

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Just wondering if I can get some info from the experts! I need the dosage amounts for baytril in water. I realize it's not the best delivery method...but I am seriously about to lose my mind if I don't get rid of this crap they keep passing back and forth. The baytril knocks it out like a charm and is the only thing that works so well...but I can't orally treat them all. Just isn't happening. So, my best option is to put it in their water and that way everyone gets treated. The baytril is 100mg/ml. Also, how long should I medicate using this method?
Not an expert, but the information I have on Baytril says *not* to use it in water as it is not well tolerated and the sick birds won't drink it.

These are the amounts my vets have told me to inject or give orally:
  • 10mg/kg twice a day for 5 days (.1ml per 2.2 pounds)
  • 15mg/kg once a day for 5 days (.15ml per 2.2 pounds)
  • 20mg/kg once a day for 5 days (.2ml per 2.2 pounds)

Thanks so much! He seems to be doing better today. I gave him his dose, and he's sleepy again now, but still seems more alert than yesterday.
He's standing more, and taking a few steps, his balance seems to be better. I have him on probiotics in his water, and will continue that. He's drinking well, so should get enough of them.
I will do the leg mite treatment as soon as he's feeling better. None of my other chickens have legs that look like his, but he also has feathered legs, and is molting, so that's partly why they look that way. Never the less, it can't hurt!
Thanks so much for the info, I'm very grateful!
I hope this is my last question..... my first experience with antibiotics. And a vet that doesn't treat birds.
Doing the math, with the dose I was given, and the amounts recommended above, I've been giving him about 1/3 the dose he should be getting.
Today is day four and he's had .25 ml and by the numbers above he should be getting .625 ml. My vet also said 10 days. Should I give him a second dose today to make the total .625 and do the same tomorrow on day 5 and then stop? Or continue for the 10 days at the dose she gave me, .25ml?
I certainly don't want to make him sicker, and he does seem to be improving.
He weighs 6lb 14 oz.
Thanks in advance for any advice you may have.
Sorry that I just saw your post. I'm not an expert on Baytril, so I am not sure about what you should do. You could check with your vet, or you could PM Casportpony to ask her.
Final post from me on this thread.
Only for closure and any insight for future reference it may hold.

He was same as yesterday, at 6 AM this morning. And yesterday was a good day.
Checked on him several times and he was doing OK. At about 9 AM, less than 10 minutes from his last check, found him on his back in what I can only call a seizure.
Twitching, beak clacking, neck arching and twisting horribly. Holding him seemed to calm him some, but honestly I don't think he was really aware of his surroundings at all. Seemed to be slowly getting worse, if possible. Anyway. Way beyond my resources and knowledge and no expert help anywhere around here. My assumption is that the infection had become systemic at some point, maybe antibiotics to late, maybe just not enough. Maybe wouldn't have mattered. Could'a, should'a, would'a, what if. So I euthanized him this morning. He was a very sweet and gentle rooster, and he will be missed.

Thank you to all for the information you provided, and just the general information posted on this site. I'm really grateful. All is in my binder for future reference, should I ever need it again. Knowledge gained will only serve to make me a better chicken keeper in the future.
So sorry for your loss of your Brahma rooster. It's really sad to lose a favorite pet. Most of us have experienced this before with chickens.

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