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Hey all :frow
I've been into succulents and orchids since 2018, but recently broadened my interests to pretty much any kind of houseplants-- I've kinda become addicted to them, I have 23 and counting :lol:
Here's a very bad, very quick phone photo of some of mine, that doesn't include my ZZ plant, little Fiddle Leaf fig, or four of my orchids.
View attachment 2651261

The types of houseplants I have:
5 orchids (One is a mini)
1 ZZ plant
1 little Fiddle Leaf fig
1 Marble Queen Pothos
1 Peperomia Obtusifolia Variegata
1 Peperomia Frost
1 Lemon Lime Dracaena
1 Variegated Pink Tradescantia Nanouk (Wandering Jew)
1 Berry Allusion Arrowhead Plant
1 Echeveria Setosa
1 Kalanchoe Tomentosa
1 Haworthia Fasciata
1 Haworthia Limifolia Var. Striata
1 Major Sedum Dasyphyllum
1 Dieffenbachia Compacta
1 English Ivy Glacier
1 Echeveria that I'm not sure of the exact type
2 more succulents and I honestly don't know what either of them are
Wow! Thats alot of plants!
Thanks!!! If anybody has any care tips for the succulent that would be really appreciated. I just got it a week ago!🙂
By the looks of it, I'm guessing it's some kind of sempervivum, right?
Not exactly sure what you'd want to know, but: I can't tell what kind of pot it's in, but if it doesn't have a drainage hole, I'd drill one for it if I was you (Make sure to use a drill bit called a 'diamond bit' if you do, or you'll crack the pot :) ), that way if you overwater it that should help to avoid root rot, and only water it if it's become super dry-- Try to check everyday. For me, mine have always dried out once a week so I water them every Friday and they do great. But it depends of what kind of pot and medium you have it in and what kind of humidity you have where you live (They really don't like too high of humidity), they could need watered every 5 days, some just need it every 3 weeks. Just make sure they become bone dry before you soak them, and also try not to get water on their leaves if you can. I use a large syringe to water mine, so that I'm sure not to get any on their leaves 🙂
And for light they like medium to bright, either indirect or direct, depending on the type, and most need around 6 hours a day. If you have them under a grow light, make sure that they're set up close to it and directly under it as to keep them from stretching and getting lanky to get closer to the light source-- If they're in/near a window, you'll want to turn it a bit every day to make sure it doesn't lean over.
I'm sorry if you already knew all that, I'm not good at knowing what to say for advice and I wasn't sure what you wanted to know/already knew :lol:
A really good person to watch on YouTube for tips is Garden Answer, she's got advice on anything from houseplants (Including succulents) to outdoor plants 😁
By the looks of it, I'm guessing it's some kind of sempervivum, right?
Not exactly sure what you'd want to know, but: I can't tell what kind of pot it's in, but if it doesn't have a drainage hole, I'd drill one for it if I was you (Make sure to use a drill bit called a 'diamond bit' if you do, or you'll crack the pot :) ), that way if you overwater it that should help to avoid root rot, and only water it if it's become super dry-- Try to check everyday. For me, mine have always dried out once a week so I water them every Friday and they do great. But it depends of what kind of pot and medium you have it in and what kind of humidity you have where you live (They really don't like too high of humidity), they could need watered every 5 days, some just need it every 3 weeks. Just make sure they become bone dry before you soak them, and also try not to get water on their leaves if you can. I use a large syringe to water mine, so that I'm sure not to get any on their leaves 🙂
And for light they like medium to bright, either indirect or direct, depending on the type, and most need around 6 hours a day. If you have them under a grow light, make sure that they're set up close to it and directly under it as to keep them from stretching and getting lanky to get closer to the light source-- If they're in/near a window, you'll want to turn it a bit every day to make sure it doesn't lean over.
I'm sorry if you already knew all that, I'm not good at knowing what to say for advice and I wasn't sure what you wanted to know/already knew :lol:
A really good person to watch on YouTube for tips is Garden Answer, she's got advice on anything from houseplants (Including succulents) to outdoor plants 😁
It says its an echeveria. Idk if I spelled that right.🤣 Okay, it's in a little black plasyic pot thing that it came in. I'm going to move it to a different pot soon. Thanks for the advice!🤗
I need some help. I got this frosty fern for my mom for Christmas (she isnt great with plants🤣) Anyway it was fine for about 4 months and then it just started wilting. The picture below is it now. Idk what to do. She really liked it and doesnt want it to die but I'm not experienced with ferns or moss stuff at all. Any advice would be great! Also, feel free to tag anybody that might be able to help!!!
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