As seeds get older, I use more seeds per grow cube. With fresh seeds, generally 1 per cube, 2 seeds the second year, 3 the third year. If multiple come up, I'll let them grow a little and yank the weaker ones. Seems to work well.
Wow! I never even thought of planting this early. We're going down to mid=20s'F every night. How do you keep leaves from dying? Do you cover it every night?
Got a busted lip today after Pancake socked me right in the face while I was trying to lift her over the fence (she'd gotten into the neighbor's yard again). Ursa, of course, had to get into the area of the yard I've fenced her off from, so she had to be super excited and up against the fence while I was trying to lift the turkey over.

You don't think of how powerful a turkeys wings have to be until that kind of force smacks your face. To lift a 20 pound or so bird up off the ground and fly at up to 55 mph, those wings have to be deceptively strong.

Kinda glad it was Pancake and not Jake Jake. She's my biggest, heaviest hen, and she's more likely to freak out with the dog and being lifted up though. Jake Jake has put on a lot of mass so he's heavier than I figured he would grow to be (has the double breast like BB and MW turkeys, and he's bigger than his MW dad. Think Pancake might have been his mom).

Something got into my coop last night and stole off with, broke, and licked out four huge turkey eggs. Pretty ticked about that. Not sure I'll be able to catch that in a squirrel trap and not sure how it got in or out.
Got a busted lip today after Pancake socked me right in the face while I was trying to lift her over the fence (she'd gotten into the neighbor's yard again). Ursa, of course, had to get into the area of the yard I've fenced her off from, so she had to be super excited and up against the fence while I was trying to lift the turkey over.

You don't think of how powerful a turkeys wings have to be until that kind of force smacks your face. To lift a 20 pound or so bird up off the ground and fly at up to 55 mph, those wings have to be deceptively strong.

Kinda glad it was Pancake and not Jake Jake. She's my biggest, heaviest hen, and she's more likely to freak out with the dog and being lifted up though. Jake Jake has put on a lot of mass so he's heavier than I figured he would grow to be (has the double breast like BB and MW turkeys, and he's bigger than his MW dad. Think Pancake might have been his mom).

Something got into my coop last night and stole off with, broke, and licked out four huge turkey eggs. Pretty ticked about that. Not sure I'll be able to catch that in a squirrel trap and not sure how it got in or out.
The adventures of pancake and crew. Love it.

Sad about the eggs though. Maybe a racoon ?
Here's some that over wintered one year. It was a really mild November, so I decided to sow some seeds. At times there was snow on the row covers. When the temperatures in the spring were right they started growing more.

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