Indian runner not going broody


Apr 10, 2023
Hi, I have one female Indian runner, she has so far laid 27 eggs. She has made a nice nest for them and keeps laying eggs every 1-2 days. Even though she has made a nice nest for them she is not going broody or sitting on them.
Any tips to get her sitting? Do I let her be and hope she starts sitting on them soon or should I take them away and place in an incubator?
She only has 27 eggs because you aren't taking them, a nest won't make her broody, you can't make a bird go broody because it's a hormone thing.
How old is she?
We haven't been taking them or moved them at all because we had been told by others to let her be and do her thing.
She laid a few all over the place when she first started laying, then a few days later she has made a nest and laying them all there now.
It's getting cold here at night and I just don't know if half of them are going to be viable now.
She is 6 months
We haven't been taking them or moved them at all because we had been told by others to let her be and do her thing.
She laid a few all over the place when she first started laying, then a few days later she has made a nest and laying them all there now.
It's getting cold here at night and I just don't know if half of them are going to be viable now.
She is 6 months
She's too young to go broody, but no, a nest won't make her broody.
Expecting her to go broody at 6 months is asking a lot, especially for a breed like a runner who is not known for doing it on a frequent basis.
I had 4 of my runners go broody last year but they were almost 3 years old.
Even if she went broody at this point, that's way too many eggs for her to sit on and cover properly. You can try leaving a smaller amount of eggs in the nest and swap out for fresh eggs as time goes on so she has something to sit on if she does decide to try, but I wouldn't have high hopes this year.

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