Chickcozy Incubator Temperature Trouble


In the Brooder
May 14, 2021
I bought a new Chickcozy 25-egg incubator, after doing lots of research on it. Preparing the incubator for eggs, I followed the instructions, but the temperature in the incubator won’t go above 99.3. It’s been warming up for several hours. We moved it to our living room, on top of an armoire to keep
our pets away, beside two inside walls, and the same thing is happening- nothing above 99.3. What are we doing wrong? Could it be the incubator itself, or does this take longer with some incubators? This is my first hatch, too, and I am really frustrated. Help!
Just read a post on this incubator off gassing fumes worried it harmed their eggs. but no mention of heating problems. Just did a search and can't find any reviews on it. But only heard of it once before you and that was posted yesterday along with yours. So only 2 things I can see on this bator is not the best so far.
Just read a post on this incubator off gassing fumes worried it harmed their eggs. but no mention of heating problems. Just did a search and can't find any reviews on it. But only heard of it once before you and that was posted yesterday along with yours. So only 2 things I can see on this bator is not the best so far.
I found reviews on YouTube. I have emailed the company, and in the meantime, I turned the temperature up to 100, and it’s stabilizing at 99.8 degrees. That may be my answer.
Im not familiar with this incubator and know nothing about that incubator.
But i had bought a $45 off of Amazon. The first hatch it was ok 6 out of 7 hatched but i was constantly watching it. The second hatch i found it was reading wrong i will always put a thermometer/hydrometer in it after knowing it was reading wrong. I lost all but one chick out of the last hatch

But i just got a new nuture right and so far its working well temp is consistant and humidty has barely fluctuated.
I would try to relocate the sensor and use another humidity and temperature sensor to compare the readings, you may want to reduce the temperature a bit after introducing the eggs when the chicks start to devolope as they will produce heat as well.
Did you have a hatch out of your Chickcozy incubator yet? Mine are set to hatch in a couple of days. On lockdown now. Having a hard time keeping humidity up in there even with the water wells full. Did you have any issue with the orange mat at the bottom offgassing? Mine was absolutely horrible and still is. I had to make an alternative bottom, so disappointed with that part of it.

Also Amazon won’t let me review mine. It says there is unusual reviewing activity on it so only verified purchasers can leave a review - I am a verified purchaser so I don’t know what the problem is, but they are letting all the vine reviewers who got it for free leave their reviews. Way sketchy. Did you ever hear back from Chickcozy? I didn’t when I contacted them. I bought it thinking that they were a decent company but now I think they are pretty shady.

I’m still holding out hope for a good hatch.. I have 18 eggs still in there - though I think one is a late quitter. (Started with 25 - 5 purchased locally and 20 shipped eggs.) Would love to hear how things are going with your incubator now!
I’m in the middle of a hatch for the second time with this incubator. On day nine the countdown stopped. Has anybody else had this issue?

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