in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

doesn't like the snow, eh?

Funny posts guys!

Your Dachsys are cute Hammat

lothiriel how can you link to something by using words? I see people do that on here but never figured out how. Is there instructions someplace? thanx
In your post you highlight the words you want linked and then click the little globe with a chain on it. You copy the url from the address bar of the page you want to link to and paste it into the URL box. :) If you need pictures I can get some screenshots for you.
doesn't like the snow, eh?
Actually a photo from this past summer. She just likes to go UP. Like this:

right about now this looks good. Is it true you have 2 seasons July 4th and winter?
today is extremely warm for October and tomorrow supposed to be 72*
And I live in mid Wisconsin! We are expecting snow in a few days though
Not quite that extreme, but winters are long, dark, and cold. Summers are short and intense.
-10 here this morning. Should warm up to around +15 today. A little cold for this time of year, but warm relative to what is on the way.

hehe I'm going swimming later
Enjoy the water!

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