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I've always wondered about this.
When I watch the national news (or really just about any program where the character isn't supposed to have a strong accent), they don't seem to have any accent - no different from the way I talk or from just about everyone I know. BUT, when someone from a different area hears me they say I have a southern accent.
So how is it that I listen to my neighbors and can't hear any difference between them and the people on TV? Does everyone on TV sound southern to you????

This is probably one of those things that will simply always make me go hummmmmm
I've always wondered about this.
When I watch the national news (or really just about any program where the character isn't supposed to have a strong accent), they don't seem to have any accent - no different from the way I talk or from just about everyone I know. BUT, when someone from a different area hears me they say I have a southern accent.
So how is it that I listen to my neighbors and can't hear any difference between them and the people on TV? Does everyone on TV sound southern to you????

This is probably one of those things that will simply always make me go hummmmmm
You usually only pick up someone accent if it is not the norm for you. What you hear around you. That is on TV is normal to you as is the people around you. The difference is probably there but with both falling in the normal range for you, you may not hear it.

Also Virginia being a central state, does seem to have a (TV) no accent sound to me to though.
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I love mysteries, and Netflix has oodles of them. I like the ones from the UK, however, there have been some shows set in Northumberland, Glasgow and the Welsh isle that I can not decipher, the weirdest ones are when an actress is trying to have an American accent. It is like when you were a kid and you let your finger drag on the records as the spun. We are interpreted as Texas oil barons who are a tad slow on the up take.

I have a very young sounding voice. My vocal chords never made it past second grade. People are always trying to guess my accent and I tell them 'Hobbit.'
I have a very young sounding voice. My vocal chords never made it past second grade. People are always trying to guess my accent and I tell them 'Hobbit.'
As long as nobody tries to break you of the hobbit, you'll be fine.

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