in this random rambling thread we post random pictures


It looks like humanity has come up with a new fun toy. In Moscow, robot couriers get stuck in the snow, and random passers-by amuse themselves by pulling them out and pushing them to where they can continue to go. In principle, making pizza is not at all difficult in modern realities, even the dough can be mixed automatically, but people amuse themselves by calling couriers, sitting and waiting for such a bedside table on wheels to arrive to them )))
I look at this and think that it would be worth making crawler tracks for them for the winter.
Yes, I've tried such things. We call it "brushwood". I take it this is a sweet dough with powdered sugar?
We call it Angel wings. It is a very simple dough made into consistency of that like for pasta noodles. Rolled out flat. Dough does not have sugar in it. Only sugar sweetness comes from powder sugar dusting.
List of ingredients. Flour, egg yolks, heavy cream, pinch of salt, and a pinch of Vodka. 2 options for cooking; Deep fry in oil, or bake in oven. I baked mine.
Since this is not a baking thread, I'm not considering this post as a recipe, I have posted this recipe in the Baking thread. If you need it, I can provide link to it.
We call it Angel wings. It is a very simple dough made into consistency of that like for pasta noodles. Rolled out flat. Dough does not have sugar in it. Only sugar sweetness comes from powder sugar dusting.
List of ingredients. Flour, egg yolks, heavy cream, pinch of salt, and a pinch of Vodka. 2 options for cooking; Deep fry in oil, or bake in oven. I baked mine.
Since this is not a baking thread, I'm not considering this post as a recipe, I have posted this recipe in the Baking thread. If you need it, I can provide link to it.

I make pancakes more often. Usually, after making cottage cheese, I have a lot of skim milk left over, which I dilute with flour, add a little sugar, an egg, and baking soda (half a small teaspoon), sprinkled with vinegar (so that the dough does not stick together).
On the contrary, skim milk from cottage cheese is not fatty, it will not be at all what we need.
I do have a cream separator, but I rarely get it because I'm too lazy to do it. There you have to heat the milk to 35-45 C, stand near this separator - to be honest, I don’t want to do this at all.
My parents like cottage cheese, they make it all the time; each time they get quite a lot of skim milk, sometimes at least 10 liters, so I just use what I have. If I start separating the cream and move from pancakes to angel wings, where will I put all this skim milk? Chickens and ducks drink a little of it, but they are not very interested in it ))
In general, I won’t change anything for now, until I get tired of pancakes. But this will not happen soon, due to the fact that they constantly come with different fillings - completely different jam, honey, as well as boiled meat with fried onions, passed through a meat grinder (in this case, they are wrapped like a postal envelope).

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