in this random rambling thread we post random pictures


Beautiful cloud formation I spotted while shopping yesterday
Run. That's independence day
Photo taken last week. Unfortunately. I had to cut down this tree, it became too big and began to oppress the garden. Apple trees, pears, honeysuckle grow nearby, and this spruce began to give too much shade, in addition to overdry the soil. We thought about it and decided to remove it.

Once this tree was sown from a seed accidentally dropped by a squirrel or a nuthatch. When this tree was small, it did not interfere with the garden, but now it had to be removed. The log will go to construction, and the goats ate the green branches.
I felled this tree the old fashioned way - I just cut it down with an axe.

I won't uproot the stump, I'll just cut it straight and use it here as a table.

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