in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

Poor Missy! We had a dog once that hated anything that buzzed, and would attack it whenever he encountered one. He got stung countless times. They apparently hated him, too - there was a yellow jacket nest under some stairs at a park that we liked to visit; Hubby and I and our other dogs could walk down the stairs and be fine, but Cisco would have 3 of the little monsters on his back.
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Found this on pinterist,
I thought it was good.
Thanks everyone on the thoughts for Missy. She got a prednisone pill last night. Before I went to bed, checked on her, wow! I could see a difference. This morning, it is waay down.
It was worse than our other boy would get. He would always get it on the lip area. Only one side swollen. Would go down pretty quick. I am pretty sure she got it several times. Her left side up by her eye is still swollen a bit, so I gave her another pill..don't think she will need another.
And, I got it on the leg yesterday. Was helping with getting that huge nest down, and all of a sudden on my left lower leg, ouch! I slapped it hard. Hoping to get the critter. Went inside and hurried to get those jeans off. Yep, went up my jean pants without me even feeling it crawling..must have been on the jeans, then went to the leg. Didn't ever see the wasp, even after shaking the jeans out. Boy, those guys hurt, it's an achy kind of feeling. It was a tiny spot, then it got big and red. I hurried and put some Benadryl cream on it. It still got a nice sized red circle around it. If it had been one of our daughters, she would have had to go to the hospital..she's allergic big time. Anyway, with that one little bite, I can only imagine how Missy felt with that whole swollen face and tongue. She is doing much better though as I said. :)
Later last night, I could hear pounding in the bathroom. I go in the hallway and ask, what are you doing in there..DH was in there. He says..I'm killing a wasp! It was on the bottom of the shower curtain. Guess I shook that thing out after all.
Oh poor puppy!!! Our old man (14) got stung the other day by a red wasp. He had a bad reaction. He's still swollen, it's been over a week.

Look! I got to meet my second cousin for the first time today. His mother is in jail for running away with him. My cousin was deployed when she took off... My cousin is going to be an amazing father. He's more like a little brother than a cousin to me. We grew up in the same house. I won't name any names for legal reasons, but, here's the little cutie!!

Cute! Lucky baby to have someone that will love him and take good care of him.

Hey, if you can get any prednisone for your old doggie, it!
this is beautiful and very informative. The music and the actresses do a great job. A wonderful video on the traditional clothing that would have been worn by disney princesses had it been historically accurate.

this is beautiful and very informative. The music and the actresses do a great job. A wonderful video on the traditional clothing that would have been worn by disney princesses had it been historically accurate.


That was great! It was interesting to see all the "artistic license" taken with the Disney princesses clothing.
Whew, glad it hit the mark! Saw something pretty sad when some folks down the street botched it. A pine tree! Fell on the corner of their home, a pretty big chunk broke off the corner. Quite the fix it job.

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