in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

Who knows what's inside of that egg? Godzilla maybe? I'm going to admire it one more day and then crack it curiosity will have the better of me by then.
My husband's a former marine. My cousin was an MP in the army. My entire family, including myself, had something to do with military from a very early age. That video has feels.

This is great! Love to hear from those that have served, or have served. A big thank you to you and yours!
I love Golden R.'s! I am on my third.

My first boy. Grizz

My second boy. Toby

I now have a girl. Missy

See those photos of my Missy up there? A terrible thing happened to her today. She was stung by what we think, several wasps. There was a wasp nest where she likes to lay, thinking she started to chew on it. We found where those wasps were, under a tarp that is covering the end of a chicken run. They love the sunflowers around there. So, down came the sunflowers to keep them away, plus of course, the nest came down..and was soaked and stepped on. Poor Missy is all swollen in the face, eyes, and tongue. Really watched her. Gave her Benedryl. Twice now. I think I will go to the Prednisone tonight..still swollen. My guess is she was stung, and probably ate a few. Poor girl. Makes me sad to see her like this. She is eating, very carefully, and breathing fine, so won't take her to a vet, unless this swelling isn't down by tomorrow.

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