in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

powerful pictures (photos and paintings) of people and events throughout history, both good and bad.


Desperate mother sells her children in great depression era Chicago



Black officer protecting a member of the KKK in the 1980's


Finale couples in a dance contest in the 1930s. The ones who dance the longest win.


1967, Katherine Switzer is harassed as she breaks the " no woman" policy in the Boston marathon and runs anyway


"Tz'u-His – The Dragon Empress was among most powerful women in China's Manchu Qing Dynasty. "



painting of Emperor Jahangir and Empress Nur Jahan Rare of the Mughal empire. Nur Jahan was the 20th and favorit wife of the emperor, and became one of the most powerful women in Mughal history. She is credited for greatly influencing her husband's policies, focusing on charity work, and influencing modern day Indian culture.


Remedios Gomez-Paraiso. Sometimes called "Kumander Liwayway" (Commander Dawn) or the Commander in Lipstick. A former beauty queen, she became a military commander when the Japanese invaded her native home in the Philippines and tortured her father to death.


Hypatia Alexandria. She was one of the last scientists to have had access to the Library of Alexandria. She was the first recorded female mathematician in history. She was also a philosopher, astronomer, and physicist. She was killed by religious extremists ( most believe by early Christians of the time). She had become unpopular for reasons such as she refused to marry, became a powerful headmaster at the premier academy of the time, and was routinely sought as a political adviser by many powerful leaders as a highly educated woman.
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Last night my parents went to a bonfire at the neighbors place while i was watching my grandpa. Tonight though I am home and we had our OWN Bonfire! I was playing with my camera and got a few pics in different modes! :)
Advanced Filter, Orange Only..

Orange only again.

Dynamic (makes it look like a fantasy world)


High Key.. Decreases Contrast and Makes colors pop (I think)

Normal mode, Mom holding a peice of Lathe that was burning... Now just smoking neatly!! :)

Last pic I got of the fire. :) It made my day though.. Just the simple things, like a nice bonfire now and then! :)

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