in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

Sorry, both of those things look ugly. My opinion.
Now this Henna my opinion..ummm..some are ok, some are pretty, and some..tooooo much!








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Camera fail.....


I try to make all my videos 24 frames per second. My intros are that now.. The issue.. I shot my last video in 60 frames per second interlaced. The camera defaults to that. The problem. 24 does not divide in to 60 even. That means to run it at 24 fps I cant just delete every other frame, it has to delete frames in a more or less random way. Why is this an issue. With Interlaced video, all of the even numbered lines down the screen are only on the even numbered frames. All the odd numbered lines are on odd numbered frames. That means every time that randomness changes from deleting odd numbered frames to deleting even numbered frames the video jumps up or down one pixel. My perfectly still video comes out looking like its shaking in the wind...

Math should not be required to shoot videos...
I can't say much about math rebel, only that it is...tough, to know. Sound like you know it pretty good, you will figure it out. Just do a little bit at a time? Then look? I don't know.
Now this Henna my opinion..ummm..some are ok, some are pretty, and some..tooooo much!
Henna is good, because it's temporary, you can experiment and wash it off. Not the case with tattoos. Too many people don't factor in time with their tattoos- what looks cool on tight young skin will look really trashed in 40 years when it's faded, stretched, wrinkled and distorted. Short term pleasure, long term pain in the ...
I had a Chevy truck like this back in the 80's! It almost ripped my arm off because I didn't know not to put my arm back wards to make a turn in a truck that has steering! I hit just a tiny, I tell you, just a tiny bit of the curb..and whip! That wheel jerked back and almost took my arm off. No fun. Cute truck, needed power steering. Did I learn a lesson? You bet. :p I've never ever turned my wrist upright turn any vehicle...since.
My son has a 1977 Ford pick up- no power steering. He handles it just fine, but the boy has young,strong muscles. I drove it a couple of times when he first got it. The small gas station in town was a nightmare of maneuvering! Let's just say I do Not have strong young muscles...
My 1st car was a used 1958 Mercury Dad got for me for $200. No power steering or power anything else, I had to almost come up off the seat to turn it around a corner. It drank a quart of oil every 2 days and was built like a tank. But I drove it for two years until it died a natural death from old age.

I don't have a photo but it was similar to this one, same color too:

Lots of good memories are found in old cars!
My first car was an austin allegro. Dark brown. It had a pull out choke and as I was a rally marshall (lombard RAC etc) I loved the fact the front seats folded down in front of the back seats so I could sleep comfortably

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