in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

Hot weather again...

This looks so inviting..getting really hot here now too..I just want to come on over and jump in with the kids. :) I remember when we lived in FL. not only did we practically live at the beach, but, there was a pond that I just loved going to.
Rebel what are the girls looking at in the first picture? You guys don't have alligators like Florida - do you?
Get out of the water
No idea what they were looking at but that's what made the picture. I took about 50 pictures an kept 5. Every time I look at that one I can hear the jaws theme. Though I know where a gator lives around here, they are not native an none are in this creek. The deepest part is a foot deep an the water is crystal clear.
I don't have a truck or a hitch but I watched it just to listen to your voice and marvel how you did all that with one hand! No offence intended. I love your accent. So cool!
I also heard one of your cockerels crowing :)
Pretty cool Rebel! Very informative and easy to follow.
Thanks. I was trying to go in to more detail than the other videos out there.

I don't have a truck or a hitch but I watched it just to listen to your voice and marvel how you did all that with one hand! No offence intended. I love your accent. So cool!
I also heard one of your cockerels crowing :)
Your post helps a lot. I wrote a script then read it back in to a mic with my best "TV accent." I clearly failed at a TV accent which I knew I would, but I wanted to tone my real accent down enough so everyone could understand me. If you could understand it then I am good.
Well Rebel, nice to meet ya! I agree with the cool accent. I haven't heard that in a long while. Even though my son was out there in GA for 2 yrs. he didn't come back with the accent, but did come back with the...ya'll..which, I still say anyway once in a while since I was brought up in the South.

This is a great video. You explained everything so well. My DH and I get on once in a while when something is needed to be done on one of our vehicles. He used to be a mechanic, but man, things have changed under the hood of a car today. So, off we go to good ol youtube to find what we need. It is always easier to watch someone explain it. I'm sure your video will come in handy many times. It's great how we can get on and find something we need to see done these days because someone is willing to take the time and film it. Very helpful!

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