in this random rambling thread we post random pictures


Makes me wonder why they have a trunk full of milk bones,though.
Do you get a front end loader full at the feed store?
Is there a silo full of milk bones and they turn the tap?

... the dog I understand perfectly.
Love that little mouse! We have had pet rats also. They really do make good pets. Never thought I would want one, for years had this yuck feeling about them, until one day at a pet shop I was looking at them, and the guy in the store, takes one out, and puts it on the back of his German Shepards back. That rat held on, and just went around the store with the dog. My son already had a rat downstairs, where I didn't see it often, or take care of it. Well, I watched this little rat, and I bought this little rat..for me! Sweet Pea was her name. Sooo smart those critters. And they love attention. That was yrs. ago..I didn't get another after she was gone. But I do know they make great pets. :)

I am stealing that photo of the dog in the trunk for my fb page for the day. :) Everyone knows how I love dogs.

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