In search of bb red OEGB breeder

Yard Farmer

🇺🇸 John 8:36 🇺🇸
Premium Feather Member
Jan 5, 2022
The Wild West!
Howdy, I was wondering if anyone breeds bb red OEGB's in any of the neighboring states around Utah, that would be willing to ship eggs.
I'm wanting to breed show birds and possibly (God willing) SOP birds.
One of my pullets that I was counting on adding to my breeding program may not make it... Whick will mess up all my plans. Since I only have 2 hens, one of which is ill...

If you have any started birds, that would be awesome too!

Thanks for your time, if you know anyone that breeds them, or if you breed them, please, shoot me a pm.

God bless ~ Yarmer.
I am not able to ship out of state so hopefully if I can get some started OEGB or some eggs s if you want you can come down to Northern AZ and pick some up maybe if I have any

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