In case you need a laugh this morning 😆…….


I keep clicking on the Never Ask Again

Please comply ;)
Software that has a profit incentive to keep your eyeballs on their interface will never want to 'give-up' on your wanting push notifications.

You have that aunt that keeps asking if you want more pie after you repeatedly say that you need to lose a few pounds in order not to explode? Same idea... Only they get to eat your pie.
My grandfather used to say

"Whistling girls and crowing hens
Always come to bad ends."

I'm one of those whistling girls, so I'm rooting for your hen. So far I have avoided the bad end thing!
The expression I want translated is the warning that you should change your ways otherwise something bad will happen is about
'Chickens coming home to roost '

My hens all pretty and up on their selection of sleeping perches is my favorite part of the day. I count them and put out snacks for those who wake first (or like midnight snacks) . I LOVE that moment.

Why wouldn't I want my chickens to come home to roost???
When a hen's left ovary fails and sufficient testosterone levels are reached in her body, the hen's dormant right side gonad becomes activated. When the dormant, right-side gonad is switched on, it develops into a male sex organ, called an ovotestis.

As stated in an article I read.
My boyfriend raised only hens for years (pre-2000), he had a dominant hen crow. First time he heard it, he thought someone's rooster escaped another farm in search of new ladies. Nope, it was one of his hens. He had 12 hens and continued getting up to 12 eggs daily.
That looks like a rooster is she laying eggs like witnessed egg laying? How old? and is she the dominant hen or another trying to knock her off the throne

The answers are in the thread already:
she’s about 2.5 years old. No spurs. Purchased her as a week old pullet.

I do have this photo from about a year ago of my four buffs. She’s in there somewhere....that’s when I had only four hens.

And this post has several current photos:😆…….1595938/page-2#post-27128063
(Click the link to go to it. All the Buff Orpingtons have hen-type feathering, although there certainly are some big combs.)
Chickens can change sex but not usually from male to female. That looks like a rooster is she laying eggs like witnessed egg laying? How old? and is she the dominant hen or another trying to knock her off the throne
We had a Silkie hatch about 8 months ago. She has laid 3 eggs for sure. Seen her doing the dance around one of our older hens, even danced around me. Today as. Was out tending to them he started crowing. Strange that it happens

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