I'm surprised. My cat actually defended my chick!!!!

Cayuga momma

♡Ducks♡, enough said.
Mar 13, 2018
Western NY
So we have 1, 7-week old chick and 4, 1- week old chicks. The cat is kept away from the 1 week olds, but has been around my 7 week old (under watchful eye) since she was 2 weeks old. Usually she bats at her. Lately I have noticed them chase each other around. But lately (with the warm weather) I have been taking her outside. Now I have to keep an eye on our Rottweiler. He is just a big baby, but doesn't realize his own strength.
Anyway so today I was tanning on my deck with the house door open and my chick was sun bathing near (I laughed when she plopped down near me). And my dog jumped up on the deck to check out the chick and my cat came hauling butt out of the house and blapped the dog with both paws in the face and then backed up in front of my chick with his back arched. I have never seen anything like this in my life and didn't know whether to intervene or laugh. The dog tucked nub and ran off the deck. I'm still laughing. My cat guards my chick. Here is a pic of them looking for bugs.
Sorry, we adopted him from the humane society as a kitten so of course they spayed him.
I will update on any other crazy antics.
Yesterday he sat on the roof my car and watched a hawk flying around (my chick was under the deck at the time)and he look at that hawk like "I wish a mf would" lol. I have start keeping my video cam at the ready.
lots of cats will do this, calico or tortie or siamese id get for the job. I am shocked some farmers dont like cats. HOnestly i could not live without them . Rats andstoats that get past dogs get caught by cats. The cats chase off stray cats. Bengal attacked a possum.
females i notice band together sometimes when they have kittens to take on a larger predator, it does not happen a lot but it does happen in areas cats have adapted to it. I am so curious about this because i saw a group of cats band together and beat up a dog.
females i notice band together sometimes when they have kittens to take on a larger predator, it does not happen a lot but it does happen in areas cats have adapted to it. I am so curious about this because i saw a group of cats band together and beat up a dog.
I have seen a momma cat take care of ducklings, but my cat is a male. He has also been very good with the chicks now when I get them out. He lets them run all over him, but if they peck him he will give them a little pat with his paw.
Henrietta and my cat have been chasing each other around outside alot. He lets Henrietta chase him up the trees and then he sneek attacks her when she isn't looking. They are quite comical.

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