I'm so old I Remember when:

Deep in the Amazon rain forest.

Never mind, I found a image of it.
Not that I have seen, but we began stocking up on food two weeks ago because we're expecting company and do NOT want to be fighting crowds this weekend. Water is not an issue because we live 30 miles out of town and are on a well. There's a gas station two miles from here and we're topping off our vehicles tonight. DH is driving away from the POT* Saturday after church to go get our Kid from the Academy and bringing him back on Sunday. He'll gas up again far away from here on Sunday, so gas shouldn't be a issue.

*Path Of Totality.
Our county mailed everyone a notice weeks ago, telling everyone to stock up and have enough food, water, and gas for everyone in the house for three days. All doctors and dentist offices have canceled appts, schools are closed, this is a big deal for us out here. Police have even said that businesses are on their own, as far as blocking parking lots and such. We are a small county and don't have the infrastructure to deal with a huge influx of people. I plan on going nowhere
Our county mailed everyone a notice weeks ago, telling everyone to stock up and have enough food, water, and gas for everyone in the house for three days. All doctors and dentist offices have canceled appts, schools are closed, this is a big deal for us out here. Police have even said that businesses are on their own, as far as blocking parking lots and such. We are a small county and don't have the infrastructure to deal with a huge influx of people. I plan on going nowhere
Umm, I may or may not want to change the day we leave on to saturday instead of sunday.

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