I'm so old I Remember when:

If you view a page's source code, it contains a bunch of data that describes the content of the page. it can be a mix of scripting languages but most of the code is in plain text of some form or another. Within that code is what's called metadata. That metadata is things like descriptions of the page content, certain keywords, and other magical phrases that help websites get better search rankings in google, bing, duck duck, etc... The better optimized your SEO metadata is, the better your odds of getting listed higher in search ranks, which in turn increases your odds of a click.

Now, web robots (also known as spiders or crawlers) are not really robots. They're scripts running all over the internet looking at websites for that metadata. it can be for any number of reasons, with again, the most obvious ones being indexing agents for search engines. They are basically loading the page and searching for those keywords and metadata to add to their database. it's all code and it's basically converting the images and words you and I see into 1's and 0's that the analysis software at the other end can understand to do it's math.

"Robots" is just an easy way to explain fairly complex software.
Thank you! I was actually able to understand this.
They gotta catch up. As usual.
The Office Finger Guns GIF
Nobody should in seriousness call themselves stupid.
Absolutely, I agree! In all seriousness, I never would. However, in all seriousness, I would call myself beautiful!

miss piggy film GIF

I really think they need a reaction like this: 🤨
They also need this one: 🙄
Nobody should in seriousness call themselves stupid.

Spot on!
I don't agree with this. Everyone is stupid once in awhile. Sometimes I amaze myself with how smart I am. Other times, I try to get out of the car with my seatbelt still on

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