I'm so old I Remember when:

Canadian Wind said:
People need to stop getting offended on others' behalf, imo. As one of my favourite comedians once said: "It's a JOKE!" But hey that's me.

Really? So... if I see someone being insulted, bullied or abused, I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut because the abuser is just "joking"? Yeah, ain't happening.
Are you allowed to change the topic of the conversation whenever you want?

I remember when we were on a road trip through New York and we came to a gas station where you weren't allowed to pump your own gas. Was that common way back then? When did self-serve gas pumps become common?
I’m sure it changed earlier in some areas of the US, here in the southeast I believe full service became hard to find by 1980. I did work at a full service station about 1992 for a few months. That was rather interesting but I wouldn’t take anything for the experience.
Canadian Wind said:
People need to stop getting offended on others' behalf, imo. As one of my favourite comedians once said: "It's a JOKE!" But hey that's me.

Really? So... if I see someone being insulted, bullied or abused, I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut because the abuser is just "joking"? Yeah, ain't happening.
Completely different. Abuse is not to be tolerated, that I agree with.
I can remember when parents were pleased when their children were strong willed, independent, respectful, hardworking, & well capable of standing tall in the face of adversity. When we were raised to defend the weak & respect those who were willing to show respect but never cower or turn away from trouble.
A wise man once said that hard times creates a strong people, but easy times makes people weak. As one who has more than a passing knowledge of history, I can truly say that, for the most part we have had it fairly easy for the last 50-60 years.
I know my memories my be strange to some, but the past is more than items sold from a store shelf.
Bugle Boy Jeans


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