I'm so old I Remember when:

:old I'm so old I Remember when:

"Everyone I knew only had a party line & we had milk delivery & everyone saved their bacon grease or had a bucket of lard". Only 1 channel on a black & white TV. 2 channels if we had aluminum foil to spare. We got up at 5 am to do chores, walked to school after the chores, then continued them after walking home from school.
Living the good life, simple and pure.:cool:

:old I'm so old I Remember when:

"Everyone I knew only had a party line & we had milk delivery & everyone saved their bacon grease or had a bucket of lard". Only 1 channel on a black & white TV. 2 channels if we had aluminum foil to spare. We got up at 5 am to do chores, walked to school after the chores, then continued them after walking home from school.
Living the good life, simple and pure.:cool:
Don't people save bacon grease any more?

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