I'm so old I Remember when:

The bareback riding in the Caribbean was incredible. At points the horses were swimming. There were schools of fish between us and the beach. She was so thrilled that she got to climb the pyramids and swim in cenotes.
Ursuline Chick referred to her High School Ursuline Academy. She, our daughter and countless family attended. Since she would have loved to tell you about it, I will. It was founded in 1727. It is the oldest continually operating girl's school in the country, the oldest Catholic school in the country and the oldest business in New Orleans. It was opened by the Ursuline Sisters on the request of French Crown, to teach the girls of the Louisiana Territory. They took that to mean the white, slave, free, and native girls.
A quirk about New Orleans, when someone ask where you went to school, they mean "Where did you go to High School?" :D
Very cool story. Thank you for sharing. I def learned something new today.

As for the climbing the pyramid and swimming in the cenotes, sounds like quite the adventure (just not for me between bad knees and serious claustrophobia, but I'm very glad you had a great time and wonderful memories).
So, which of you came up with the adventurous ideas and which said, "Let's do it!" and get started planning?
I had 2 of them a little one and a bigger one. I loved that thing.
I saw one at a yard sale yesterday for $60. It was labeled as "vintage". The couple having that particular sale were very nice but they thought everything the put a 'vintage' or 'antique' label on would automatically enhance the price. Worked on some things such as kitchen gadgets and tools (they don't make 'em like they used to, eh?) but a hobby horse and other kids toys? Good luck with today's throw away generation.
Worked on some things such as kitchen gadgets and tools (they don't make 'em like they used to, eh?) but a hobby horse and other kids toys? Good luck with today's throw away generation.
Oh you reminded me of hobby horses.
Broomstick and one of dad’s old socks stuffed with rags and ears and eyes stitched on.
Lord knows why we found it such fun to gallop around on those things - but we did!
Oh you reminded me of hobby horses.
Broomstick and one of dad’s old socks stuffed with rags and ears and eyes stitched on.
Lord knows why we found it such fun to gallop around on those things - but we did!
Both types were called hobby horses. ;)
Probably we galloped all over tarnation due to the boundless energy kids have, then multiply that by all the Kool Aid and Super Sugar Puffs we consumed and there you go.

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