I'm so old I Remember when:

Many years ago when men where men and women were women a very rich young woman went to a boat dealer and bought the most expensive ski boat they had to offer. She declined the free lessons on how to trailer, launch, and drive it. She managed to back down the ramp and after she had parked her big diesel pickup she jumps in her new toy and revs the engines and floors it in reverse. It moved the boat ever so slow. She finally put it in forward and floored it again. lt moved but not nearly fast enough to pull a skier. After an hour of just barely getting it to move back to the dealer's doc she screams you sold me a bad boat outfit. l paid a whole lot of money because I wanted the best there was to have. Ok Ok the dealer told her we will find out what is wrong and make it right. The dealer tried to get it to go and he gave up and called his best mechanic to check it out. The mechanic failed also. Finally someone suggested to check the bottom of the hull for damage. The mechanic put on his diving gear. A minute later he emerged laughing so hard he had nearly drowned himself. With a big grin and not looking at the lady he tells his boss "She didn't take it off the trailer".
Many years ago when men where men and women were women a very rich young woman went to a boat dealer and bought the most expensive ski boat they had to offer. She declined the free lessons on how to trailer, launch, and drive it. She managed to back down the ramp and after she had parked her big diesel pickup she jumps in her new toy and revs the engines and floors it in reverse. It moved the boat ever so slow. She finally put it in forward and floored it again. lt moved but not nearly fast enough to pull a skier. After an hour of just barely getting it to move back to the dealer's doc she screams you sold me a bad boat outfit. l paid a whole lot of money because I wanted the best there was to have. Ok Ok the dealer told her we will find out what is wrong and make it right. The dealer tried to get it to go and he gave up and called his best mechanic to check it out. The mechanic failed also. Finally someone suggested to check the bottom of the hull for damage. The mechanic put on his diving gear. A minute later he emerged laughing so hard he had nearly drowned himself. With a big grin and not looking at the lady he tells his boss "She didn't take it off the trailer".
That's about as bad as the chainsaw joke.

A lumberjack walks into a shop to buy a chainsaw...

The shopkeeper picks one out and says "this one can cut down 5 trees in 2 minutes". The lumberjack is impressed by this and buys the chainsaw. 2 days later, the lumberjack comes back to the shop with the chainsaw and asks for a refund.
"This is a complete rip-off, I only managed to cut down 1 tree over the space of an hour!"
The shopkeeper takes the chainsaw and turns it on only for the lumberjack to suddenly jump in surprise.
"What's that noise?"

A lumberjack walks into a shop to buy a chainsaw...

The shopkeeper picks one out and says "this one can cut down 5 trees in 2 minutes". The lumberjack is impressed by this and buys the chainsaw. 2 days later, the lumberjack comes back to the shop with the chainsaw and asks for a refund.
"This is a complete rip-off, I only managed to cut down 1 tree over the space of an hour!"
The shopkeeper takes the chainsaw and turns it on only for the lumberjack to suddenly jump in surprise.
"What's that noise?"
Now that sounds like a blonde joke.:)
When we were in Nursing School, back with Clara Barton, there was a joke that everyone used the punch line to denote that 'I should have known the answer to that!'

A blond lady catches her stove on fire, calls the Fire Department and screams, "Please hurry, my kitchens on fire!"
The fireman says "Okay lady, how do we get there?
She says "Duhaaa! Big Red Truck?"
I'm Blonde so I'm sure it's ok.
I used to be a (natural) blonde. Now it's sorta faded ashe-grey. I take no offense in blonde jokes.
Also, over the years I've found the stereotype usually fits the wanna-blondes best. Then the question becomes did the peroxide absorb into the brain or is it the same mindset that causes some to change their hair colour which is also responsible for the affected lack of perceptive abilities? IOW - cause and effect or correlation? (Personally, I lean towards the later)
Now before I get attacked for having an opinion, I'd like to point out I am speaking in general after a lifetime of observation and I am NOT speaking about every single - or even most - preferred blondes but certainly more than natural ones.

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