I'm so old I Remember when:

Automotive trivia. An urban legend has it that he Chevy Nova didn't do well in Spanish countries because it's name means 'no go'.
An Esso (Standard Oil) spinoff called ENCO did badly in Japan because the name meant 'stalled car.
Maybe that's what I'm thinking of ...
I left my Golden retriever in the truck with a full box of these once while I ran into a store to buy a single item, and when I returned there was nothing left but a few shreds of paper. Panicked, I ran back into the store, grabbed a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and ran back out, telling the store clerk I'd be right back to pay for it, and drenched the dog with the whole (small) bottle, about 4 oz. Ran back in and paid for it (I think it was under 50c), then ran back to check on my dog, who was looking very thoughtful. He said Urp once or twice so I let him out of the truck, and up it came, peroxide, paper and ten pounds of chocolate. I was so glad he wasn't going to die that day!

Tchaikovsky! Rimsky-Korsakov! Yaaah! Oh yes, and Beethoven, Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-flat Major, "The Emperor"! :yesss: Rachmaninov.... :woot
Blue, wow -- your quick thinking and practical knowledge saved your dog!!! 10 pounds of chocolate, OMG!:th😳😱

We had to rush our corgi to the vet after he ate a 12 oz. bag of semisweet chocolate chips he'd found in my daughter's room (and fortunately left the empty bag on her bed so we knew what he'd done); we didn't have a useful emetic in the house at the time. That much chocolate was life-threatening to him (a 25-lb. dog), so your chocolate-loving Golden would be doomed with 10 POUNDS in his system -- that may be some kind of a world record, not a claim to fame anyone would want.🙄 So glad you knew what to do to save him from his naughty mistake!

[That, and the cost of the 10 lbs. of chocolate plus a bottle of peroxide was certainly less than our emergency run to the vet to have Griff purged and treated...😲🤑😬!]
I remember

Lum & Abner

Fibber McGee and Molly

Abbott & Costello

Red Skelton

Bob Hope and Bing Crosby and their "On the Road" movies.
And the Ed Sullivan show! I remember the time when he hosted the Beatles - first time they appeared live on American TV, if memory serves. February 1964; I was 10 years old and just didn't get what all the fuss was about!😁

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