I'm so old I Remember when:

Aleve (12) hour can be rough on our liver too if taking too many or for too long. Probably a lot more than we know are hard on our bodies!
They ALL have good and bad effects.
-Aspirin* and Ibuprofen can be rough on kidneys.
-Naproxen and aspirin can be hard on the stomach.
-Tylenol can be dangerous for the liver. (Takes even less if you have cirrhosis or hepatitis.)

If you don't have specific health problems this won't effect you.
You just have to find out what works best for you.
Even with the narcotics, I find if you use
as directed you almost never have a problem. Take them to reduce the pain. (Start taking them to sleep or for fun, THAT is when the problems start. IMHO.) I could discuss the science but I am already taking up too much bandwidth.
*Don't give aspirin to children, especially for a viral infection. Look up Reyes Syndrome. Rare but preventable. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/reyes-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20377255
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For reference, a standard Tylenol has 325mg and an extra strength has 500mg.
Don't forget the 8hr arthritis extended release has 650mg. Taken as directed they do seem to help some. Sciatica and arthritis is not fun.
Even with the narcotics, I find if you use as directed you almost never have a problem. Take them to reduce the pain.
They do work well for extreme pain. The side effects make me not want to take them. Tummy problems! :sick I feel like I am choosing between 2 problems. Sometimes heat treatments, tylenol and just slowing down is enough. I tell myself it's ok to take a day once in a while! :)
They ALL have good and bad effects.
-Aspirin* and Ibuprofen can be rough on kidneys.
-Naproxen and aspirin can be hard on the stomach.
-Tylenol can be dangerous for the liver. (Takes even less if you have cirrhosis or hepatitis.)

If you don't have specific health problems this won't effect you.
You just have to find out what works best for you.
Even with the narcotics, I find if you use
as directed you almost never have a problem. Take them to reduce the pain. (Start taking them to sleep or for fun, THAT is when the problems start. IMHO.) I could discuss the science but I am already taking up too much bandwidth.
*Don't give aspirin to children, especially for a viral infection. Look up Reyes Syndrome. Rare but preventable. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/reyes-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20377255
I only have one kidney (congenital) so I do have to be aware of what I'm doing if I open a bottle of anything. I've made it to 63 like that so guess I did good. :)
My doctor told me to always eat something with Tylenol, so I do, even if just a couple of crackers. He said not to take it on an empty stomach.
I always heard that too. And if you can't do food, then a glass of milk is a good second choice. It coats the stomach
If you eat something with Tylenol its takes longer before it helps against the pain. A glass of water should be okay.

Is Tylenol a trademark? We say paracetamol and google translates it with paracetamol. The other way around ; Tylenol -> paracetamol.
Tylenol is a brand name of acetaminophen

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