I'm so old I Remember when:

That was fun.
I have had (or still have) almost all of those. I always wanted a Butler's Pantry!
I only just gave up the electric coil stove and I have a bunch of wall mounted can openers that I don't actually have mounted on the wall.
I miss the electric coil stoves. I used to prop a screwdriver in them to heat the tip to melt holes in plastic. Using a drill works better really...but what broke college kid has a drill right? 😂 Gas stoves were great for making quick incubators too. Set a coffee can over the pilot light and add a thermometer and adjust the padding til the temps just right. Worked well for emergencies if you didn't have an incubator or a heating pad.

I haven't found any use for our glass top stove except cooking. Probably for the best eh? 😜
Does anyone remember these?

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