I'm so old I Remember when:

I remember when ... we had to memorize poetry in school. And not only that, but we had to stand and deliver! And write book reports. And if you didn't turn assignments in on time you got a big, fat zero. And if you did poorly on a test you got an F. And there were no do-overs! And if you got enough F's and zeros you got held back while all the rest of your classmates got to go on to the next grade. School was tough.
My 4th grade teacher was a huge poetry fan. Every two months we had poetry recitals. We had to memorize poems and present them to parents that showed up to the recitals. It was so nerve racking but we did it. At Christmas time, we did a Christmas Customs thing where we worked in small groups and researched how different countries celebrated Christmas. That was a lot of fun. And she had a big Easter party at her house where we had an Easter bonnet contest. My mom made our bonnets. She bent wire coat hangers into a circle and sewed pretty fabric over it and put ribbons running down the back. I won 2nd place and my prize was 50¢. Good memories
I remember when ... we had to memorize poetry in school. And not only that, but we had to stand and deliver! And write book reports. And if you didn't turn assignments in on time you got a big, fat zero. And if you did poorly on a test you got an F. And there were no do-overs! And if you got enough F's and zeros you got held back while all the rest of your classmates got to go on to the next grade. School was tough.
I attended a parochial school and this pretty much describes my experience.
The ones we have are a very large red ant and their bites are painful. One variety grew wings and would swarm. Of course they would land on buildings and roll down the gutter downspouts in huge balls. They also entered the house throught the stove pipe.

I located the main nests and poisoned them. They haven't been a problem since.
Up here in the Wet North, we get huge swarms of winged carpenter ants in their mating season, swarms so thick they get all over my face & clothes while I'm just walking through the yard. 😜 Bad news critters if they start colonizing & munching on your buildings but they mostly go after deadfall wood around here. (Though our pest control company inspects for those along with termites annually.)

Late 2023, my first year with chickens, we were delighted to see the pullets eagerly leaping and flapping, snapping the ants out of the air, off the ground, in the fence wire, off my sleeves, everywhere they could reach, voraciously eating them as fast as they could. Great work, my girls -- THOSE suckers were never going to breed!

Just another reason to have & love chickens!❤️
I attended a parochial school and this pretty much describes my experience.
Only two years of that for me, then mom found out Sister Mary was slapping the tops of all of our hands with her ruler. My parents pulled me, so then I went to a one-room schoolhouse for a couple of years until they got bus service out by us so we could go to public school.

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