I'm so old I Remember when:

There is a big candy store in Cleveland called B. A. Sweetie. They still sell these and lots other candy
So does "Dylan's Candy Bar" in New York City and we just got a " Dylan's Candy Bar". in the New Orleans International Airport. They sell all the old time candies and some "crazy" stuff like a foot long Gummy Alligator. :gig
There is a big candy store in Cleveland called B. A. Sweetie. They still sell these and lots other candy
Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office
Dude…I haven’t checked my mail in over 2 days and all of a sudden I get another summon for jury notice?

What’s a girl to do?
Ask too many questions during Voir Dire! They will send you home and you will never get called again. Remember to stay polite, no matter how big the idiots (Lawyers) are. :highfive:
Good luck
I dont remember that the candy was that great. I mean the cigarette candy. Kinda blah.
I liked the gum cigs. Blew on them and a puff of "smoke" came out
Dude…I haven’t checked my mail in over 2 days and all of a sudden I get another summon for jury notice?

What’s a girl to do?
You can get summoned only every few years. I'm not sure how often but not every few months. When I was summoned last, I wore all my gear from a certain president. I also filled out the questionare saying that I was an "adorable deplorable". Yup, they didn't pick me😁

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