I'm so old I Remember when:

Remember seeing ladies in curlers Everywhere?

Saturday mornings mom & I went grocery shopping at Pantry Pride & most women there were in curlers. 😆
Oh, yes... Mom made it a point of pride to NEVER go outside in curlers, even with a scarf tied over them. Not even to duck out to the mailbox...that's what kids are for. 😁 But a lot of gals didn't share her qualms one bit.
This reminds me that when I first started working at our State Dept. of Transportation in 1980, people still smoked at their desks and there were official state ashtrays with the department name & logo on them. Gag! 😝😜 Open space offices that always smelled of stale cigarette smoke & stubbed-out butts. One old dude even smoked rank cigars (the cheap ones that came in a big plastic bag fro Thrifty).

I was much relieved when smoking in the building was banned; the health hazards of 2nd hand smoke were just starting to be realized. The building's windows didn't even open to vent stale smoke/let in fresh air.

Years later, I wished I'd snagged one of those "official Caltrans ashtrays" to keep as a...conversation piece?
A couple pages back (I think), someone mentioned ice cream trucks. I hope that's still a thing in some places? They seem to have faded away in the suburban neighborhoods where we and my MIL lived in areas around LA; my guess is, kids aren't running around free outside like they used to so business dried up? One used to go through our hilly La Crescenta neighborhood when our girls were school-age; we'd hear the recorded chimes and they'd go running with their ice cream money to catch it before it left the area.

At my elementary school (50's/60s), the ice cream truck parked on a side street next to the playground and we'd swarm it on hot days after school. Loved the Drumsticks and those orange sherbet push-ups that melted all over our hands as we walked home from school.🥰
A couple pages back (I think), someone mentioned ice cream trucks. I hope that's still a thing in some places? They seem to have faded away in the suburban neighborhoods where we and my MIL lived in areas around LA; my guess is, kids aren't running around free outside like they used to so business dried up? One used to go through our hilly La Crescenta neighborhood when our girls were school-age; we'd hear the recorded chimes and they'd go running with their ice cream money to catch it before it left the area.

At my elementary school (50's/60s), the ice cream truck parked on a side street next to the playground and we'd swarm it on hot days after school. Loved the Drumsticks and those orange sherbet push-ups that melted all over our hands as we walked home from school.🥰
We used to have ‘em in Michigan.
And in Louisiana there weren’t ice cream trucks (that I remember) but there were snow cone stands all over.
I have seen a few since moving to the East Coast but I live in the country so none right here.
We had huge mounds of thatch ants. Creepy/scary seeing the zillions of them seething all over the ever-growing mounds, and their bites really hurt! Their colonies were marching along the sunny side of the road like living mountains of conifer duff, overtook the area where we have our flagpole and holiday roadside displays, then new colonies stated popping up along our long gravel drive and on the edge of the woods near the house. OH NO you don't!

Nothing seemed to deter them; even the local bear tearing into the biggest mound and eating a huge amount of them & their eggs/larvae didn't slow them down much. I worried they might be some nasty invasive species, but online research then a consult with our local pest control folks confirmed they're native...but NOT good neighbors. We had them exterminated; did NOT want those getting in the house or taking over the gardens! Two years now, no sign of them returning...the native plants and other critters are reclaiming their vacant mounds.

But they are not nearly as awful as fire ants...yikes!😲
The ones we have are a very large red ant and their bites are painful. One variety grew wings and would swarm. Of course they would land on buildings and roll down the gutter downspouts in huge balls. They also entered the house throught the stove pipe.

I located the main nests and poisoned them. They haven't been a problem since.
Two species of fire ants are found in Florida. Most notorious is Solenopsis invicta Buren, the red imported fire ant (RIFA), followed by the much less common Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius), the tropical or native fire ant.

Credit to UF/IFAS
A couple pages back (I think), someone mentioned ice cream trucks. I hope that's still a thing in some places? They seem to have faded away in the suburban neighborhoods where we and my MIL lived in areas around LA; my guess is, kids aren't running around free outside like they used to so business dried up? One used to go through our hilly La Crescenta neighborhood when our girls were school-age; we'd hear the recorded chimes and they'd go running with their ice cream money to catch it before it left the area.

At my elementary school (50's/60s), the ice cream truck parked on a side street next to the playground and we'd swarm it on hot days after school. Loved the Drumsticks and those orange sherbet push-ups that melted all over our hands as we walked home from school.🥰
There are still a few ice cream trucks around here at times. They're not here all the time, just on occasion.

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