I'm so old I Remember when:

At least you can slap an ant…
Also, they can’t move as fast!
Mean hornets, ground jackets, a red wasp nest in the tree you're pruning (didn't see the wasp nest obviously) & those darn fire ants that somehow climb up & get under your clothes, often the back of your neck under your shirt, or down inside your gardening glove, then won't let go, they somehow latch onto your skin and you cannot brush them off. When you finally get the thing off of you to try & kill it, the ant will roll up into an indestructible ball, you cannot stomp it or smash it, unless you have a very, very heavy hammer. Try to stomp with a shoe or boot...they uncurl & walk away unscathed!

European Fire Ant
20200612_133410 (2).jpg

The ant eating the yellow bait with Spinosad.

All of these nasty stinging bugs will get your attention, not in a good way. I'd like it if they ALL found accommodations elsewhere, besides my yard.
I tight rolled mine as a teen it was the style, I also really liked the girls guess jeans. The ones with the zippered leg ends. Dems were the days. Oh and my Giraud and z. Cavarriccis. I have a big collection of Giraud I could probably sell for a small fortune. Even got the black and purple stripped shorts everybody had to have.
In all of those Girbaud jeans days my cousin worked for them in the design end out in California. I could get jeans for $20 a pair. DH, DS and I had closets full of the latest designs. Sometimes it's good to have cousins in high places. :love
Flip flops are bad news.
I know a lady that slipped down wooden steps, because of flip flops, broke her tibia bone. Those things have no traction.
I have a closet full of them, so does DD. We both love them.
Even Hayden has a few pair!
I just kick mine off when I drive, and drive barefoot, (but I am barefoot a lot)

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