I'm so old I Remember when:

I was too old for Shaun Cassidy. (God rest his soul). And I do remember when 8-track players first became an option in your vehicle.
But then I remember when your car came with AM radio and AM/FM was an option.
I had a ford F-1 truck that had an after factory radio. :lau
I learned to drive in a Ford Econoline with shifting on the column and the engine was between the two front seats. That was that stub-nosed truck. Dad made stools for behind the front seats and I being the oldest had to sit on the engine with 4 sisters behind the seats. 7 of us fit in that somehow lol. Thank God we had a different car so rarely had to all pile into that one.
How many of us waited for the school bus back in the '50s in these stylish outfits with the bulky black snap buckle boots over your shoes? Remember the shoes stayed in the boots when you took them off?https://live.staticflickr.com/1446/24989973989_be02f6478f_b.jpg
I miss golashes. Wish they came in my size now and were readily available to try on. I'd buy a pair, fersher. But as is, I settle for barn boots (Crocs in the summer) to run to the mailbox or coal bin or gather eggs. :idunno
I miss golashes. Wish they came in my size now and were readily available to try on. I'd buy a pair, fersher. But as is, I settle for barn boots (Crocs in the summer) to run to the mailbox or coal bin or gather eggs. :idunno
A farm store here still sells those. Same goofy little buckles and all.
They even have a short style that's only as tall as your shoes.
Ridiculous looking but not as ridiculous as crocs.

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