I'm so old I Remember when:

Cracker Barrel šŸ¤£
When will the easily offended rednecks take a stand and demand a name change for that place?
Hey, just OWN it and be proud! (I grew up in Georgia...) Like the gal from Oklahoma who opened a restaurant and proudly named it "Okie Girl", and told off any snowflakes who thought it was demeaning/insulting. "I AM an Okie girl and proud of it!"
Remember when you had to have a real potato to play with Mr. Potato Head?
I wonder how many moms found gross old potatoes under their kids' beds.
Those were fun! Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, in real taters (or sweet taters) so you could poke in their body parts and hats, etc. in any arrangement you wanted. (Some of the littlest kids' efforts looked kinda Picasso or Dali-esque... šŸ˜† )
I thought lamp, too, and was concerned lest anyone light it so close to what appeared to be a wooden ceiling or cupboard above!
I've got one in here in my office and there's one in the living room. We also have two rechargeable lanterns, and a generator if we were really in a pinch to light up the place lol. We RARELY have electrical outages though, but I grew up having one of those hurricane lanterns in every room.
I love oyster stew and it is so easy to make. Just oysters are so expensive right now. :th
Walmart's got the good brand for $2.78. I don't recall them being much cheaper actually but it's been a long time since I bought any, because they are always so expensive. ā˜ŗļø
When I was a young boy my mother would take me to the barbershop for a 50 cent haircut. She would buy me a 5 cent coke and a 75 cent barbeque that came with fries or beans. My first motorcycle, I could fill up the 3 plus gallon tank for less than a dollar and get a pack of camel non filter cigarettes (25cents) that my mother would beat me over the head for if she found them. That was at age 18. The same thing today would be about $13 to $14 before tax here in Tennessee. I bought my first brand new Ford for $1995.00.

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