I'm so old I Remember when:

I love military planes! We have a C-17 that flies over our house frequently enough. Sometimes Chinooks and Black Hawks come sputtering over. I miss living by the airport and I miss the Blue Angel/Thunderbird shows!

Also, once the Presidential helicopter flew right by the house! That was neat!
Eh, depends on the president🤣
I still eat frozen waffles
No one is shocked
I love military planes! We have a C-17 that flies over our house frequently enough. Sometimes Chinooks and Black Hawks come sputtering over. I miss living by the airport and I miss the Blue Angel/Thunderbird shows!

Also, once the Presidential helicopter flew right by the house! That was neat!
A-10 Wart Hogs would fly so low over the Blueberry field headed for the range I could wave to the pilots and they would wave back. Now the C-130 Hercules fly over 3 at a time, gives me "flashbacks" of the old clong birds that took us up country from Bangkok. Best one I was framing a house and heard this unmistakable engine noise, looked up and sure enough it was the infamous P-51 Mustang.
Yep same here hahahaha!

We told my cousin don’t even bother sterilizing bottles just wash and dry.
My mother bottle-fed all four of her kids. When I was pregnant I tool Lamaze classes and joined the La Leche League. She was scandalized and disgusted that I planned to breast-feed. "And how do you plan to sterilize your nipples?" she asked me. :lau
I worked in Grand Rapids, MI. When President Ford died, we got on the roof of the building where we worked and watched the Blue Angels (I think) fly over and do the "Missing Man" formation. We had the best seat in the city to see it, for commoners, anyway.
I still tear up watching a missing man formation, even if it's in a movie.
I remember when Great grandfathers ol' 40s Chevy and Plymouth had push button start. Picked up wife's 2024 past Friday and, guess what, PUSH BUTTON START! The more it changes the more it stays the same. :he:idunno
I am having to rent cars to go to work because my two 20 year old cars gave up the ghost in the same week.
When I got the first one, I sat there for several minutes trying to find the key and where to put it. :p
Only used for the first child. Hot water for the second. Rinsed for third and more. :D
I love the sound of those fighters over the house going Hell for Leather.

My favorite sound though are the radial engines on the old WWII era planes. They have a sound as different as a Harley has from any other motorcycle. Fewer and fewer out there.
When I was Airshowing, I once was on the field and counted 64 engines turning, B-29s to Piper Cubs.
What’s really amazing is to watch one of those old planes being flown as a crop duster. Usually the pilots flying those were Veitnam vets. They had plenty of experience flying low & fast. There aren’t many younger pilots able to replace them. 😢
My mother bottle-fed all four of her kids. When I was pregnant I tool Lamaze classes and joined the La Leche League. She was scandalized and disgusted that I planned to breast-feed. "And how do you plan to sterilize your nipples?" she asked me. :lau
:lau :gig

Yes tried to talk my cousin’s daughter into nursing her baby but she was disgusted by the thought! WTH?! Free formula, no washing bottles, no having to carry bottles around, no need to refrigerate 😆

I remember when they came out with those bottles that used the plastic bags - how convenient was that?!
I am having to rent cars to go to work because my two 20 year old cars gave up the ghost in the same week.
When I got the first one, I sat there for several minutes trying to find the key and where to put it. :p
Hahahaha ya! I had a rental recently like that.

Couple yrs ago I rented a pickup for work and I couldn’t figure out how to put it in gear! Turns out it was a dial on the dashboard! Stupidly right next to the 4 wheel drive dial… 😳

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