I'm so old I Remember when:

Mighta been me...I do have to plead guilty at any rate 😂. It feels so good when you have what you need though doesn't it. Your stock pot thanks you 😄
My DH has lived in this house since he was 5 yo and a lot of stuff has accumulated here, for sure. However it's a big old house, and often we can't fìnd things we know are here "somewhere," lol, and we end up buying new. There are about (at least!) eight hammers around here somewhere ... multiple pairs of pliers, more screwdrovers than you can throw a stick at, etc.
My DH has lived in this house since he was 5 yo and a lot of stuff has accumulated here, for sure. However it's a big old house, and often we can't fìnd things we know are here "somewhere," lol, and we end up buying new. There are about (at least!) eight hammers around here somewhere ... multiple pairs of pliers, more screwdrovers than you can throw a stick at, etc.
Don't tell my hubby, but yep...that happens to me sometimes too 😂. Lots of hands using things makes it happen more but keeps life fun too. I swear it never happened pre-kids 🙄😂
Have to say I do so appreciate being able to wear WARM cozy clothing grocery shopping in the winter 😊 and non slip boots, toque, mitts, scarf….. 😁

Gosh even in the summer I wear warm clothes shopping what with the AC blasting making me freeze! Actually if I could just not shop that would be even better hahaha!
I started college at a community college in '64 and no one could wear jeans. I had on a pair of dress slacks one day and a prof called me over to the side and told me I wasn't allowed to wear jeans. I had to buy a different kind of dress pants. Time have changed.
I've taken classes at a CC for a while and I don't think there's really a dress code, though I imagine there are probably some rules to prevent people from wearing anything too strange. In elementary school I think I was supposed to wear a red, white, or blue shirt and khaki pants, though I can't remember if other pant colors were allowed. I just checked the elementary school website now, and it seems like they no longer have a strict dress code except for a list of prohibited items. It sometimes feels like my childhood was a lifetime ago, and I'm 20 :tongue

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