I'm so old I Remember when:

Putting up the Christmas Tree and decorations the week of Christmas and taking it down the day after New Years. The Wife gets earlier every year this year a week before Thanksgiving come on 😂
Up Christmas Eve down New Years Day. My sister one year left it up into February and hung hearts on it for Valentines Day.......Goofy Girl!
Here, in New Orleans, it doesn't matter when you put up the tree.
But it MUST be taken down on January 6th, as 12th night is the beginning of Mardi Gras season.
And our reason for taking it down by then is the DNR used to put them on the ice or in the lakes if open, for fish spawning. That was only if you lived in town and had to strip every single strand of tinsel off that tree and put it to the curb. Now I think everyone's on their own. We just chuck ours down the hill in the forest but down a ways from the coop as it's cover for animals.
Oh, yes! High tech!

Reminds me of the (fairly brief) fad for fountain pens where you could choose from lots of different ink cartridge colors. (My fave was "peacock blue".)I think I was in 4th or 5th grade...

Of course they leaked when you put in/removed ink cartridges and there were some blots when writing, but that liquid ink was fun... I had peacock blue stains on my index & middle finger most days.
Oh yes, fountain pens. And was there any other color than peacock blue, lol? Oh yes, black. My handwriting was a work of art back in those (high school) days! Now ... sometimes I can barely read it myself!

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