I'm so old I Remember when:

OMG, they got a raggedy Ann. :eek:
I loved my Raggedy Ann! My aunt made her for me, complete with 3 different dresses along with her apron, bloomers. I can't forget to mention her her hand-embroidered "I love you" heart. My brother and I also had Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy money banks!
DD and Granddaughter: I gave both of them Raggedy Ann dolls when they were babies. Raggedy Ann was DD's lovie for a long time when she was a little girl and she is still saving it. Granddaughter wasn't as interested. DD couldn't sleep with out Raggedy Ann and a sound machine that made outdoor sounds, like birds chirping. If she had those two, she would be out like a light in no time.

I wanted to give granddaughter DD's Raggedy Ann (DD is 14 or 15 years older than granddaughter). DD had a hissy fit, she was not giving up her Raggedy Ann, not for anyone.
I loved my Raggedy Ann until my mom sold her at a garage sale in a spurt of "get rid of anything we don't need." Mom didn't realize how special she was to me. She must have thought since I didn't play with her anymore, I didn't need her anymore. But it had great sentimental value to me. I still wish I had her back. I've tried to be very careful about not rashly getting rid of my daughter's treasures. I always ask her first! If she has any hesitation, we wait before making a decision.

I now have a larger-sized Raggedy Ann and an Andy that sit on my headboard. (Both are also handmade.)
Remember when groceries came home in ... wait for it ... brown paper bags? Mom would give us crayons and let us draw faces on them. Then she'd cut out eyes in them, and on the sides she cut scoops for our shoulders. We'd put them on and chase each other around for hours, playing "monster." What fun! That was for rainy days. Sunny day fun involved cardboard boxes and forts made of plywood and lumber scraps and bricks dad brought home from his construction jobs. We were rich, nobody else had toys like ours!
I love brown paper bags. I wish I could get them more often! They also have so many uses...art projects, wrapping paper, book covers and many more....
My mom always used those paper bags to cover our school books in. I remember watching her and thinking it was like magic, how she could make a paper bag fit a science or math book. Then when we got to school, we were allowed to decorate them
Yep! I usually decorated mine at home. I didn't have time to decorate at school.
You Mom was nice. My Mom made US cover them.
Once I learned, I liked to make my own.
A sheet - and a couple chairs and presto! Make believe time in a tent castle 😊
My brother and I used to do that! What fun!
Our local grocery store still says, "paper or plastic." We always go with plastic as the bags we use to line the bathroom garbage can. I suppose we should be more environmentally conscious and ask for paper though.
I do like to have some plastic bags on hand because we do use them for small trash can liners and a few other things. Just last week, we realized we were about out. I told my daughter that I needed to make sure I left my reusable bags home the next time I go shopping.... But I don't like to have too many plastic bags around.
I get paper bags whenever possible. Trees grow, oil, not so much.
Agree. I just wish I could get them more often. The plastic bags aren't good for the environment.
What a lot of city folks might not know is that paper if made from fast growing trees that are most often planted for a crop just like corn. Should people stop eating cornflakes to save the corn?
I'll have to tell my farmer husband that one!
Anyone else used the funny pages from the Sunday paper (our's were in color) to cover school books or wrap presents?
I did, kinda? Just the comics were pretty fragile and tore pretty fast, so I would cover the book with a grocery bag and then cut out the comics, use a glue stick to attach them to the bag, and then cover then over with clear packing tape. It took more time for sure. I would end up with these collages of comics and I'd fill in the gaps with a bunch of doodles with a sharpie, or some other decoration.
I'm up to page 300!

My sister had a Chatty Cathy. I remember it could say, "Cookie all gone."

I had a clown doll that had the pull string and was named Patooti. His face was a smile, but had a sad face that was a mask held on by an elastic string. I remember him saying, "My sad face is only a mask."

I had a "shoop-shoop" hula hoop. I have yet to see ANYONE "do" a hula hoop rotating their hips clockwise. Hula hoops only worked counter clockwise, as far as I know.

I got a transistor radio for Christmas when I was 10. Turn it on really soft, put it by my ear (no ear buds) and listen to it before I fell asleep. It took a battery, so I had to remember to turn it off or it would run the battery down. AM, as FM was the "grown up" stations with talk and Bach.

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