I'm so old I Remember when:

Used to make Christmas cookies, like mom and I did. The last time I made them, took days, over a dozen varieties, I then made chocolate mousse in addition. NOT ONE cookie was eaten, everyone ate the mousse. It takes maybe thirty minutes to make, two different recipies, and that's what happens at Christmas now.
If you ever decide you ned to make Christmas cookies again, I'll send you my address and the cost of shipping.

We had an elderly lady that lived down the street from us. We sent her eggs most weeks. Once when the girls weren't laying much, she sent her granddaughter down to see if we had any extra eggs. The granddaughter said Miss. Barbara had gotten so spoiled she would no longer eat store bought eggs, she thought they were nasty. Every Christmas and Easter, Miss Barbara made homemade candy and would send us some. It was so good. We miss her for so many reasons. I would even bring the rooster to visit her when she could no longer get out of the house, she loved the rooster so!
My Friend Flicka was my passion.
I read all of The Black Stallion series and when the movie came out I was very disappointed as it didn’t follow the story line.

But the cinematography of that movie was amazing and still is, and of course the horse in that movies Cas Ole was already a champion show horse.

And in all the years I raised horses I only ever had one black horse - an Arabian colt I had born here. I sold him to a guy who drove a team of thre horse unicorn hitch, he needed a new wheel horse and my colt turned out to be a half brother to his horse, they where a good match and it was a lovely team of horses. The two wheel horses where black Arabians and the front horse was a white/grey Arabian .

So long ago now. I am sure that horse is likely passed on or soon would be, likely 30 yrs old now. Time sure flies by….
If you ever decide you ned to make Christmas cookies again, I'll send you my address and the cost of shipping.

We had an elderly lady that lived down the street from us. We sent her eggs most weeks. Once when the girls weren't laying much, she sent her granddaughter down to see if we had any extra eggs. The granddaughter said Miss. Barbara had gotten so spoiled she would no longer eat store bought eggs, she thought they were nasty. Every Christmas and Easter, Miss Barbara made homemade candy and would send us some. It was so good. We miss her for so many reasons. I would even bring the rooster to visit her when she could no longer get out of the house, she loved the rooster so!
Lovely story 😊💕
Used to make Christmas cookies, like mom and I did. The last time I made them, took days, over a dozen varieties, I then made chocolate mousse in addition. NOT ONE cookie was eaten, everyone ate the mousse. It takes maybe thirty minutes to make, two different recipies, and that's what happens at Christmas now.
Oh that’s sad! Mum made my grandmother’s dark fruit cake last week - she hadn’t made it in years. It turned out not too bad, and tastes great.

Not sure what happened with it sinking in the middle, I told her next time make multiple small cakes rather then in the honking big cake pan!

Marzipan icing tops it off.

I read all of The Black Stallion series and when the movie came out I was very disappointed as it didn’t follow the story line.

But the cinematography of that movie was amazing and still is, and of course the horse in that movies Cas Ole was already a champion show horse.

And in all the years I raised horses I only ever had one black horse - an Arabian colt I had born here. I sold him to a guy who drove a team of thre horse unicorn hitch, he needed a new wheel horse and my colt turned out to be a half brother to his horse, they where a good match and it was a lovely team of horses. The two wheel horses where black Arabians and the front horse was a white/grey Arabian .

So long ago now. I am sure that horse is likely passed on or soon would be, likely 30 yrs old now. Time sure flies by….
Sounds awesome! Brings back memories... My Dh#1 and I joined a little religious group traveling through Manzanola, CO in 1974, and they had a unicorn hitch. Traveler was the lead horse, an American Saddlebred if memory serves. King and Mr Ed were the wheel horses. I learned not only to drive that team, at age 21, but to harness them as well. We travelled through five states before I suffered a miscarriage and became too ill to travel, ending up in Hamilton, MT. What an experience!
I remember when as kids we made a lot of our own toys to play with and one of my favorites was what we dubbed our racing tractors. Very cheap to make. A wooden spool, a rubber band off the news paper, a match stick, and something on the opposite end of the match stick so it could be wound up. We could line them up at the starting line and at the signal of go they were off and going for at least a couple of yards. We didn't need hundred dollar toys to amuse ourselves back then.

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