I'm so old I Remember when:

They were smooth and "blank" underneath, like store mannequins. The dolls ended up lying around naked a lot -- easy to take the outfits off, not so easy or fun to dress them again.

When our two girls played with their multiple Barbies and Kens in the tub, they'd leave a tangle of naked dolls at the drain when they got out. My husband once commented, "It looks like the Jonestown Flood!"
Ooh. I remember the flood. We traveled down to see it the next summer and the water levels were still visible by the mud and muck lines on buildings and underpasses.
I remember the Old Doctor (Dr Who), and the Drs to follow, I even had a super long scarf like the fourth doctor (Tom Baker), and learnt the hard way not to wear it skating 😆 if I could go back in time for that one….. 😆
My youngest was a huge Dr Who fan! She even talked in a British accent for a while 😂. She watched every episode going all the way back to the beginning when she was little, and for all her women's lib, she didn't lose interest until they made the new doctor a woman.

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