I'm so old I Remember when:

Did any of you serve in Korea or Vietnam?
I have a great uncle who was a prisoner of war for two years in Korea, but I never was able to meet him (he died before I was born).
I was classified 3A during the Vietnam War and never was called. I did proudly carry my draft card. I remember all the turmoil that was going on in the Detroit area where I was living at the time. I remember kids soaking themselves in gasoline and burning themselves to death to protest the war. Horrible times for so many in different ways. I lost a next door neighbor that I went to school with and several more classmates. I wasn't old enough for Korea. I remember listening to the war news of the Korean War every night on the radio when I was in the first grade. All the talk of the bombing and killing messed with my head at a very young age.

As an adult I remember the movie "The Bridges at Toko-Ri".
Did any of you serve in Korea or Vietnam?
I have a great uncle who was a prisoner of war for two years in Korea, but I never was able to meet him (he died before I was born).
My dad was in Korea. Out of all the stuff he said he went through it was all compounded by the immense cold. He said it was so cold he couldn't explain enough on the cold. I took it as it was really freaking cold.
Oxen, still being trained and used here in the USA, and elsewhere. DH had more than one team, and we belong the the Midwest Ox Drovers Association. Fun!
John & Walker  1999.png

John and Walker, our last team. 2800 pounds each! At an 'old time' gathering in Wisconsin, years ago.

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