I'm so old I Remember when:

I was afraid to use my pressure canner at first, but I read the instruction manual that came with my manual.... I'm "obsessive" about following all directions (have some friends that think I'm "too careful" but I'm not taking any chances!)
i read the
I was afraid to use my pressure canner at first, but I read the instruction manual that came with my manual.... I'm "obsessive" about following all directions (have some friends that think I'm "too careful" but I'm not taking any chances!)
i read all the manual too,, and it said that when you clean it if you miss one grain of rice, or even leave just the skin of one bean behind, there’s a chance of explosion. it’s just not my cup of tea ☕
i read the

i read all the manual too,, and it said that when you clean it if you miss one grain of rice, or even leave just the skin of one bean behind, there’s a chance of explosion. it’s just not my cup of tea ☕
That's why I like the metal to metal seal. You don't miss a thing if you wipe and double inspect. We are still looking for our pressure frying pan. We used that thing regularly until we moved. l am not a happy camper with myself now because we need it. We want to try pressure frying (Brown first in oil, then pressure steam) some roosters that are way past normal frying age. At least they will hopefully be good with some peppery dumplings.

I remember not liking chicken and dumplings growing up and then one day years later my wife's cousin brought some to a dinner on the grounds event and I've been hooked ever since. I think it's the savory character created with the peppery chicken in them.
Back in the day as a joke I was chicken foot but it ended up sticking. Around here it was bears and I probably still know all the 10 and signal codes. I was a fire 911 call taker and dispatcher for years and on an aerial for another department.
Have a radio in my truck as I work in remote locations and travel logging roads a lot, those logging roads are all ‘call roads’ every KM one calls your location and whether you’re ‘empty or loaded’. Empty is one direction, and loaded the other 😊 (empty pickup at km48) this lets people know I am on the road, someone coming towards me would call ‘loaded log truck km50’ so I can pull over and let him pass safely.

Your loaded when the ‘mile markers’ are going down (9, 8, 7….)

And empty when the ‘mile markers’ are going up (5, 6, 7…)

This has to do with logging roads and bringing logs to town; town is always 0 km, some of those logging roads are a couple hundred km from town. So going away from town to get a load you’re empty, but coming home you’re hopeful loaded with logs!

I remember my dad teaching me to call on his cb radio he was the green machine (green car).

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