I'm so old I Remember when:

I remember when there was show and tell in the second grade. I never had anything to show or talk about. Then one morning I got the bright idea of taking a baby bird to school for show and tell. I climb a small tree and stole a baby mocking bird and took it to class. I almost set a record for the youngest student ever to get expelled. My teacher turned 40 shades of red and I still didn't get to "Show and Tell".
Hahaha - you were a precocious wee lad weren’t you 💕❤️
There was a time I would have shot crows in my garden but now I feed them eggs that I find and don't know how old they are and some that have small cracks in them. I didn't sign that treaty and out here in the boonies we have to protect our investments. Now crows work for me as once I started feeding them all the hawks have left the area. One of my dad's jobs was in his early years was killing crows out of my grandfather's commercial strawberry patch.

I remember when 2-3 acres could feed a large family and produce an abundance to sell to those who couldn't. I remember that my grandfather never owned a tractor and was able to farm with a mule. I remember stealing some corn that was for the mule and planting it in my grandmother's flower beds and she always blamed me for it even though she had no proof other than I was the only one that would do it. :)
Yes my gang has learnt to pay attention to the Blue Jays, Crows and Ravens. When they kick up a fuss my kiddos run for the hills (usually all 30 want to hide under my lawn chair haha)!
I remember being able to cross into the US without a passport or anything special; our favourite thing was to drive to Grand Island (Niagara Falls crossing), and go to an amusement park called Fantasy Island 💕

Oh and that reminds me , I remember the TV show Fantasy Island and Mr Rourke and his sidekick Tattoo - da plane da plane!
this. and afterwards i was afraid to go up the stairs to bed.


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There was a time I would have shot crows in my garden but now I feed them eggs that I find and don't know how old they are and some that have small cracks in them. I didn't sign that treaty and out here in the boonies we have to protect our investments. Now crows work for me as once I started feeding them all the hawks have left the area. One of my dad's jobs was in his early years was killing crows out of my grandfather's commercial strawberry patch.

I remember when 2-3 acres could feed a large family and produce an abundance to sell to those who couldn't. I remember that my grandfather never owned a tractor and was able to farm with a mule. I remember stealing some corn that was for the mule and planting it in my grandmother's flower beds and she always blamed me for it even though she had no proof other than I was the only one that would do it. :)
YES the crows
I learned they like their eggs hard boiled and cut into 1/8ths
they also love dog kibble
and of course, the peanuts
I had forgotten this. But it was this way when my brother was in the hospital with my mom staying him. He was just starting to crawl when a pressure cooker blew up and burned him. It was 6 weeks or so before I saw him or mom after that. No visits to mom regardless of needs.
and this is why my pressure cooker stays in the cellar unused. Im so sorry that happened to your family.
and this is why my pressure cooker stays in the cellar unused. Im so sorry that happened to your family.
I was afraid to use my pressure canner at first, but I read the instruction manual that came with my manual.... I'm "obsessive" about following all directions (have some friends that think I'm "too careful" but I'm not taking any chances!)
I was afraid to use my pressure canner at first, but I read the instruction manual that came with my manual.... I'm "obsessive" about following all directions (have some friends that think I'm "too careful" but I'm not taking any chances!)
My mom's problem was she didn't. She had very little mechanical mindness at all. I never knew what caused it but we have used pressure canners safely for years.

I remember my grandmothers old style pressure canner with the lockdown camps or what ever they are called. I like those better than the one you turn the lid on with a gasket. Our new one holds 14 quart jars and is made like that. Maximum safety.

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