I'm so old I Remember when:

I don't think I've ever seen a top loading dishwasher.
We had one, but it wasn't a built-in, we rolled it across the floor to the sink in order to use it.

This looks just like it! ⬇️


Not the same model below, but the ad shows how it was hooked up to the faucets.
th (15).jpeg
By the time we had home ec classes in junior high, most of us had been cooking meals and sewing clothes already for YEARS. Our mommas "done teached us real good" 😉 so we could be of real help at home. So home ec was pretty much a joke. Would've been way more useful to put the boys in home ec (so they wouldn't be helpless in a kitchen) and allow us girls to take the shop classes...lots of dads like mine weren't into teaching girls to use tools and fix stuff. But again, the early/mid 60s. Times were just starting to change where we were.
I wanted to take IA (Industrial Arts, aka Shop) instead of Home Ec. I was told no, girls took Home Ec. And had to wear skirts, though that was changing.
Besides S&H Green Stamps there was another stamp that Winn Dixie stores gave that was yellow. I think they called them TV stamps but I could be wrong on that. Mom only used Green Stamps.
I remember Plaid stamps, when we lived in New Jersey. After moving to Connecticut we collected S&H Green stamps.

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