I'm so old I Remember when:

I have to sign a screen with my finger to check in at my Dr. office. I can not sign my name with my fingertip. I just can't do it. Not happening. It really DOES look like hen scratching. 😬
I can absolutely tell folks who are used to signing an I pad or any other tablet type thing and those who aren't
I grew up without TV - as a result I’m really good at entertaining myself :)
We never had a TV when our kids were growing up. They didn't get one until they moved out. Now we have one that is used as a monitor sometimes so both of us can see a budget spreadsheet or similar. We have watched 3-4 old westerns that are on YouTube.
You know I thought of something last night and now I'm so old I can't remember it when I get the computer up and going.

But I do remember instead of crushing and bailing cardboard boxes they used them for customers to take home groceries in. Very handy for those in pickups with one bench seat with mom and pop and 3-4 youngins in there with them.
I love those boxes they make sure the food doesn't slide and my birds like to use them.

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