I'm so old I Remember when:

I remember going to Mexico back in the 80's and learned to count to 10 in Spanish. I remember trying to get a big wrench and thought I could ask in Spanish. When the kid came back he had a machete. Oops.

I remember not knowing as much Spanish as I thought I did.
I tried to learn Spanish several times without success. Once I thought I had it so I'm in the jungle in back country Yucatan and I'm ordering breakfast. The waiter looked at me like I was speaking Martian.
After a while we realized, he spoke English and Mayan. He never learned Spanish either.
I remember when Halloween costumes were scary. No princesses, no Barbie, no Batman or Spiderman.
Idk if it was the times or our lack of $$$ but ours were always homemade and a lot more creative. I don't think I ever had any with a plastic mask when growing up.
Idk if it was the times or our lack of $$$ but ours were always homemade and a lot more creative. I don't think I ever had any with a plastic mask when growing up.
I didn’t either, they were always homemade and if we needed something like a certain style of shirt or pants for it, we went to the rag bag (thrift store) to find it.
Idk if it was the times or our lack of $$$ but ours were always homemade and a lot more creative. I don't think I ever had any with a plastic mask when growing up.
Yup. Me too. My Mom was a champion costume maker. I still remember when I was a 3-headed dog - I had two balaclava helmets stuffed with newspaper, and with carboard snouts and ears sewn onto the side of my parker hood. Of course I had a cardboard snout and ears too as the middle of the 3 dogs.
You know I thought of something last night and now I'm so old I can't remember it when I get the computer up and going.

But I do remember instead of crushing and bailing cardboard boxes they used them for customers to take home groceries in. Very handy for those in pickups with one bench seat with mom and pop and 3-4 youngins in there with them.

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