I'm so old I Remember when:

No seatbelts or car seats for little ones on school busses either. If someone was standing in the aisle or actin a fool the driver would just hammer the brakes to teach them a lesson and we'd all get knocked around like pinballs as collateral damage.

I remember riding the school bus when I was really little and the bus driver hit the brakes crazy hard for some reason. I flew forward and smacked my head on the metal bar on the seat in front of me and got taken to the hospital. I had a lump on my forehead and I thought I was the luckiest kid alive because the fun nurse made me a hand glove rooster balloon. Drew eyes and everything on it 😂❤️ Yep, no seat belts!
Do they have seatbelts now? They must, right? I just know they never did when I was riding them either lol
Does anyone remember playing red rover? And getting clotheslined trying to break through the line of kids. Ah those were the days. :gig
Hated that game! But I was very small and petite (and the youngest in my class. I could never possibly break through. The worst thing was the boys (always much bigger than I) always tried to go through me so my team always paired me with a big boy who would not let go of my wrist (often towards the end so the boy would hold my wrist with both hands!) I was sure I was going to end up with a broken arm or wrist. After awhile I refused to play (unless required at school).

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